Friday, October 13, 2017

The Governor

To each item below, don't just simply answer the questions.  Discuss why you feel the way you do.

Given the situation in the colonies, what makes a good governor?  What skills do you think this person should have?  Should they have been only male?

Given modern times, are the skills required of someone in our government any different?

Consider leadership roles on campus:  professors, coaches, team captains, etc.  Consider authority, rules, and rule enforcement.  What skills are needed in these positions?

Don't just repeat the thoughts of the poster before you!!!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

OLD, NEW, or "it is what it is..." What's the deal with school violence?

1.  your previous educational experience (especially high school)
2.  the environment you are familiar with
3.  the book Farmer Boy (as discussed in class)

From both a historical and a modern perspective, what are your thoughts on school violence?

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

When would you eat a muskrat?

So, we have began the series Colonial House, and it seems THEY'VE EATEN A RODENT.

Given which circumstances--both historical and modern--under what circumstances would you eat a muskrat?

Your response should address both historical and modern perspectives.  Remember, the whole world can read what you write!

Complete your response in the comments area of this blog page.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

New Traditionalism--Everything Old is New Again

This blog serves as the entry point for the BYFE Freshman Seminar Everything Old is New Again which will examine the paradox of the modern New Traditionalist movement & the effect of the movement on popular culture.